Are you experiencing success with the seminars you are holding in your local area and feel ready to expand? Great! Time to sit down and decide which cities you want to conquer next.
First, look at your database. Do you have a good following, a number of prospects and existing clients, in any one area? If so, survey them to see if they would be interested in attending a live event.
Are there speakers in other cities with whom you can partner and do joint seminars? This way you have access to multiple databases of potential attendees and everyone has the opportunity to pick up new clients.
What you don’t want to do is just pick a city, let’s say, San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, etc. without first doing a lot of research to make sure you can draw a qualified audience. If you do, you will be wasting a lot of time and money. Also be aware that costs can vary greatly from city-to-city. Check with local Convention and Visitors Bureaus or venues to get ideas about pricing for rooms, food, parking, audio/visual equipment transportation and labor.