Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seminar Planning - Find Ideas by Attending Other Events

Not only do I plan seminars, I also attend my share of them. I'm not a "seminar junkie", but I do attend seminars and conferences to learn the lastest information about event planning, speaking and marketing. You should too. The more information you know and share, the more you will be seen as an expert.

And since you are now also doing your own seminars, start noticing how other speakers run their events. How did they market their event to you? How easy was it to register? How were you greeted when you attended? What type of seating arrangements did they have? Did you feel you made the right choice by attending? Did you purchase any products or services? What type of follow-up took place after the event?

Now think about your own event. What ideas would you like to borrow? What would you do differently? By paying attention to details at events you attend, you can organize the perfect event for you.